'where two or three have gathered in my name'
While on earth, Jesus regularly spent time alone in the Father’s presence. At other times, he taught the crowds or his disciples. Sometimes, he selected just two or three close friends for “deeper” learning. (Matt. 17:1-9, Matt. 26:26-47)
VIANOVA dreams of seeing a movement of integrated communities of followers of Jesus develop in Belgium. But experience has shown us that, for a movement to gain momentum and grow, it is necessary that between the collectivity (the community) and the individuality (the disciple), a third category is added: a mini-collective of 3 people. Note that this principle is reflected in the Trinity between the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
In this intimate space, the 3 disciples walk together in their reading of the Word and its concrete applications in their lives. They can freely express their discoveries, questions, doubts and challenges. They share their lives and support each other in prayer and action.
As they strengthen their walk with Jesus in these mini-communities, the whole community grows, being held together by the bonds of love woven in the privacy and confidentiality of the 3D groups. And strong communities and followers mean a growing movement.
Willing to start a 3D group, but you have no clue what to read together? VIANOVA has developed two reading plans to journey through the Old or the New Testament in 25 steps (50 weeks) with your team-mates.
Option 1 - Download your free reading plan (+ bonus bookmarks) now!
Option 2 - Want the whole plan on one page to read on your smartphone?
We've got you covered.
Option 3 - You'd rather fancy a nice brochure to put in your Bible?
Available in French or Dutch.